

Our expert neurosurgery team is committed to providing the finest and most comprehensive patient care. For help finding a neurosurgeon, call 310-825-5111.



  • 生殖细胞瘤 is among several varieties of tumors that arise in the area of the pineal gland, requiring different therapies. The exact diagnosis is critical for choosing the correct therapy.
  • Pineal tumors typically present with 脑积水, a build up of fluid pressure within the brain.
  • A team of experts is needed for optimum therapy. UCLA experts in neurosurgery, neuropathology (microscopic diagnosis), radiation therapy and oncology will work together to provide the best and latest therapies.


  • 脑积水 commonly causes headaches and nausea or vomiting. Sometimes patients have difficulty looking up.


  • 扫描
    • A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain is the most important imaging study. It will show the location, size, and shape of the tumor.
    • A computed tomography (CT) scan of the brain may be helpful to see if the tumor is calcified. Both MRI and CT scans assess for the amount of 脑积水.
  • 活组织检查
    • 在很多情况下, a biopsy is required to determine the tumor type. 更多的 than a dozen different types of tumor occur in this region.
    • UCLA neurosurgeons have expertise in 微创 techniques (endoscopy or stereotactic needle biopsy) for obtaining biopsies.
    • If the diagnosis of germinoma is suspected based on the MRI scan as well as the age and sex of the patient (young male), a biopsy may not be required prior to beginning treatment.
  • 其他测试
    • Some tumors that occur in the pineal region have high levels of certain chemicals (Beta-HCG, 法新社, 和CEA), which can be detected in the cerebrospinal fluid and/or blood. If detected, a surgical biopsy may not be necessary.
MRI scan shows a large tumor in the pineal region of the brain.


An MRI scan shows a large tumor (arrow) in the pineal region of the brain. The biopsy confirmed glioblastoma, which is rare in this part of the brain. This illustrates the importance of obtaining a tissue biopsy in most cases.



  • 手术切除
    • The surgical removal of pineal region tumors ranks among the most difficult neurosurgical operations. Patients typically are referred to major university medical centers, 像皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校, where certain neurosurgeons have specific expertise in this type of surgery.
    • Although surgery can be curative in some cases, in other cases it provides a definitive diagnosis and reduces the size of the tumor.
    • Whenever possible, UCLA neurosurgeons use 微创 surgical techniques
  • Surgical Management of 脑积水
    • UCLA neurosurgeons have extensive expertise in the 微创, 内窥镜 治疗 脑积水. Typically, this can be done by an 内窥镜 third ventriculostomy. In other cases, a shunt may be necessary.
  • 放射治疗
  • 化疗
    • The choice is dependent on the type of tumor and the patient.
    • Many tumor types need both radiation and chemotherapy.

The Neuro-ICU cares for patients with all types of neurosurgical and neurological injuries, 包括中风, 脑出血, 创伤和肿瘤. We work in close cooperation with your surgeon or medical doctor with whom you have had initial contact. Together with the surgeon or medical doctor, the Neuro-ICU attending physician and team members direct your family member's care while in the ICU. The Neuro-ICU team consists of the bedside nurses, 护士, physicians in specialty training (Fellows) and attending physicians. UCLA Neuro ICU Family Guide